
Showing posts from 2015

Countdown to Christmas...

Work will continue on the construction site over Christmas, as we move closer to our new emergency department. More concrete is in place and the new Accident and Emergency Department in Leicester is beginning to take shape...literally! Lots of work is happening inside too...our doctors and nurses are working on what the new emergency floor will look like inside, from signage to colours of the walls. You'll have to wait until next Winter to tell us what you think! Did you know... 273 nappies will be changed in our neonatal unit every day.

Moving on up...

The view onto our construction site is changing everyday, as we move closer to our new emergency floor, and phase one opening next winter. The retaining walls continue to be put up... Pouring concrete into the bases... Pile crunching in the basement... Did you know ...every day we will take blood from around 600 patients

Taking the rain away...

The focus on the new Emergency Floor building site this week has been the drainage system. Concrete panel and storage tanks are being put into place to create the underground drainage system. The new Accident and Emergency Department will eventually sit on top of the concrete panels! We're really excited about our new Emergency Floor and the progress we're making towards making it a reality. Did you know... Every day we will treat 70 patients with an eye injury.

Concrete on the ground...

Our new Emergency Floor is literally taking shape this week, as more concrete is poured into the space made on the building site... Our doctors and nurses are really excited by the progress on the building site and can't wait for next Winter, when the first part of the building - the Accident and Emergency Department - will open its doors. The new 'roundabout' is taking shape at what will become the new ambulance entrance to A&E.   Did you know... Everyday, patients missing appointments costs us £19,680.

Moving on up...

It's been another productive week on our building site, as we make good progress towards the creation of our new Emergency Floor. We've seen the first concrete laid this week, as the building itself starts to take shape Did you know... every day, around 600 patients will have their blood taken in our hospitals.

Filing the foundations...

Work on our Emergency Floor building site continues to move as pace.. This week, the foundations have been laid as concrete was poured into the ground... And a new substation has been created to house the electrical generators that will power our new Emergency Floor. Did you know... we receive 5,000 calls to our switchboard every day.

Preparing the ground...

Construction continues at pace with the build of our Emergency Floor...piling rigs are drilling holes in the ground to make way for the concrete that will become the foundations of the new building. Did you know ...everyday, 3,355 patients attend one of our outpatient clinics.

Demolition done, let the build commence...

With demolition now complete, check out these amazing pictures of the cleared site - our new ED is becoming a reality!  We can now see the space that will be filled with our state-of-the-art new Emergency Floor.

Going, going, almost gone...

Did you know... our new multi-storey car park at the Royal Infirmary will have nearly 350 spaces, and will open this winter.

And the bricks keep falling down...

Another week, more demolition. The team continue to make good progress with the demolition and clearing of the site for our new Emergency Floor. Did you know... every day, an ambulance will arrive at the Royal Infirmary every 9 minutes.

Edging closer to the end...

Demolition is in its final stages, as we edge closer to the start of the building work. Anyone visiting us recently will have seen big changes and lots of activity... Did you know... The Victoria Building, the building next to the one we have demolished, is the oldest building on our site and was built in 1771.

The end is in sight...

Bricks keep on falling, as we get closer to the end of the demolition. Once the site is cleared of debris, the building work can begin! Did you know... Our new A&E will be the UK's first frality-friendly A&E, meaning that it is designed with the needs of our oldest and most vulnerable patients in mind.

Bricks keep falling down...

We continue to make excellent progress demolishing Mills Flats and clearing the site ready for the building work, which is scheduled to start in late summer. Did you know... our new emergency floor will be bigger than our current one, so we can better meet the demands of population growth both now and in the future.

Pulling down the flats...

The building previously known as Mills Flats continues to be demolished this week, with significant progress being made towards our demolition end deadline in August. The state-of-the-art Muncher is back on site, making a swift job of pulling down the flats. We've also been preparing the other side of Mills Flats on Infirmary Close, ready for demolition in the near future. Watch this space for updates on progress of this key piece of demolition. We'll be able to see the space for our new ED soon; it's starting to become a reality! Did you know... The piling rig being used to dig our foundations was also used over the road to build the new Tigers stadium AND our new multi-storey car park!